Welfare Association Launches Food Security program


Welfare Association Launches Food Security program


Starting 2007, Welfare Association launched the food security program. The primary focus of Welfare Association’s nutrition assistance programs is creating sustainable income generating projects aiming at providing food security for rural households -- access by all people at all times to enough nutritious food for an active, healthy life.

The targeted groups are households in rural and marginalized villages in the West bank and Gaza Strip especially those affected by the separation Wall. The program includes at a minimum the availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods, and an assured ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways.

The program is expected to reach 500 households in rural and marginalized areas. Activities include constructing home gardens suitable for using organic agricultural methods, training in food manufacturing and marketing techniques, and in addition the use of untraditional ways in irrigation through the treatment of wastewater for the use of green houses.

The program is being implemented in cooperation with Palestinian NGO’s with approximately $ (1) million allocated for the program.

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